Thursday, March 26, 2020

Quarantine Day 7

Today's Stats:  Canada...3,300+ cases, 35 dead.
                          U.S...........65,000+ cases, 900 dead

I don't like checking these stats every day because it's discouraging but it does help to keep the danger clearly defined and to not find my quarantine too rigid.  We need to do what we have to do to get past this!

I don't have any major plans for my day except to search the car trunk for items I'm pretty sure are still in my very expensive brand new bed sheets!  I also can't find my melatonin and the fact that I've been up since 3 A.M. proves I'm going to need it either tonight or some night soon to help me sleep.

My apartment building consists of mainly seniors with only a few younger working people.  That means we're mostly in the high risk group for contracting the virus.  This whole social distancing thing makes me cringe but it is a necessary evil right now.  I heard on the news that some infected people flying home are hiding their condition so they won't be held back and forbidden to fly.  Where are their consciences?  They have to know that their selfishness will cause illness or death to anyone they come in contact with.  Not everyone is showing positive signs of kindness and caring for others!

I can't stand delving too deeply into the effects of the coronavirus around the world because it is too depressing.  Yes, it's bringing out the best in most people but we human beings are being devastated by this virus.  Crazy Trump is planning to open the U.S. borders in a few weeks to business as usual and I'm terrified of where the stats of infected and dead will be if he does.

Anyway, the sun is shining and springtime is just around the corner.  None of my family or friends have the virus (I hope) and I have plenty to do in my little apartment.  I can work or play as I wish.  Hope is eternal.   

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