Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Quarantine Day 5

Slept well, up early.  At Least I'm not lying awake all night worrying about the new state of the world.  Even the grey skies of March aren't bothering me too much...the sun pops through every once in a while.

I'm keeping to my decision to watch the news only once a day because it really is depressing to watch the numbers of infected of dead keep rising.  It will be such a relief to see this virus reach it's peak and start to fall.  I'm still in amazement at how we've had to close businesses and isolate most of the world population in order to bring the infection under some kind of control.  I've never in my lifetime seen anything like this and we'll feel the repercussions for decades, I'm sure.

An interesting note...I'd e-mailed the insurance company saying I wasn't allowed out of the apartment for the full 14 days so how would I get a Visa receipt to send them (I have and it's been sent).  Their reply was that I should disregard the government's order to stay inside for 14 days and go out to get gas for my car and pay for it with Visa.  I guess I believe in obeying the law because I was shocked to have someone tell me to ignore the quarantine order.

Last night on the news, Trump spoke at large about bailing out a huge corporation like Boeing because of the financial effects of the virus...60 billion dollars...and I wondered if he has a lot of stock in that company.  I would think it's more important to offer aid to the smaller businesses during this time.  If too many smaller businesses go under and their employees left without jobs, that will be devastating for the economy of the United States.  Boeing probably makes it's profits doing business with other countries.  Any country's leader should be concentrating on their own country first.

Today I just might start my spring housecleaning.  I'm not inspired but I have to live among too much dust and I can't have that.  Besides, producing a little sparkle in the apartment will lift my spirits.  I also still have my new bed sheets in the car and it will be nice to do laundry and make up my bed with them tomorrow.  

Only 9 more days before I might be allowed to cuddle Jackson and Sylvia.  I'm letting their parents decide when they'll be comfortable with that. 


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