Wednesday, April 08, 2020


I've been around a long time and had my share of people who disappoint me but sometimes the disappointment doesn't come as a total surprise.  Sometimes you've already recognized a rift between you and what you're seeing is the plain truth.   It doesn't make your disappointment any less painful but it helps you to prepare for the next one.

I hate being disappointed in people I care for so I tend to ignore the signs but, sooner or later, you're going to have to face that hard truth.  It's simply a fact of life.  It all depends on how much you care for the person who has disappointed you and whether you're willing to accept the status quo.

I have a friend who sees the world much differently than I do but who has a similar value system.  I don't fault a person for their beliefs because there is a lot of common ground between any 2 people but every once in a while that common ground is tested.  I maybe assume too much but I tend to think that decent religious people follow the teachings of their church.  I believe most religions stress that you should take care of your fellow man but I'm wondering if some religious souls don't consider people of other nationalities or cultures to be their fellow man.  That disappoints me.

Of course, I have been around a long time and nothing should really surprise me these days but it does.  I wish for more in people.  I wish for more in myself.  It makes me sad.  

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