Monday, April 06, 2020

Trump Is An Ass

Trump has ordered 3M to stop selling life saving medical masks to Canada.  What the stupid ass doesn't understand is that Canada is a major supplier of supplies to make the masks in the first place.  Yes, I'm often disgusted by Trump but this time I'm more disgusted by some of his followers who are angry with 3M for selling the masks to Canada and Mexico.  I'm learning quickly that some of these god fearing people interpret the teachings of Christ in their own way and that doesn't always make them decent human beings.

We are meant to take care of our fellow man/woman.  We are meant to share what we have when they are in need.  We are meant to even do without if it means we can save another life.  I'm not a Christian but even I know the rules of decency.

There are game changers in life and, sadly, I've come across one I can't ignore.  Could I ever again trust a "friend" who shamed 3M for refusing to abide by Trump's directive?  No, that ship has sailed.  Just to be clear, not all Americans agree with Trump, thank heavens.  Myself, I would even be upset with our Canadian Prime Minister if he decided to retaliate and stop shipping medical supplies to the States.  We are in a life and death situation right now and it would be wrong to deny sick people anywhere access to life saving apparatus just because their president is an ass!

I am upset by this turn of events but I know it isn't Trump I'm most upset with, it's the American "friend" who agrees with him.

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