Saturday, April 04, 2020


Yesterday was the first chance I had to go out after the 14 day quarantine.  I analyze my feelings constantly so it rather surprised me how nervous I was about stepping out into a deadly virus infested world.  Thinking about that, maybe it made sense to be nervous.

I drove up to Cindy's and we chatted a while in her sunroom...6' apart and no kissing or hugging.  This is our world today but let's hope it isn't forever.  It was nice to see her puppies, too.  Toby is drop dead gorgeous!

Don had picked up some groceries for me so I took them home...Cindy had added in 2 containers of frozen beef stew so I'm all set for food for a while.  I think the only thing I'll be needing soon is milk because I drink my coffee with half of it being milk.  It's true that you don't need as much as you might think you do.  I normally go to the grocery store every few days but just for a few things like bananas and fresh veggies.  I've learned I can do without the bananas and I can use "skip the dishes" to bring me salads.  I could easily stay home 99% of the time but that's no life!

I carry a disinfectant wipe with me to press elevator buttons and open doors.  I have a container of disinfectant wipes in the car, too, but I never thought to use any when I was at Cindy's.  I can't get my head around the fact that the virus could be absolutely anywhere, even at my precious daughter's immaculate home. 

Logically, the virus should become a bad memory in time but I wonder how longlasting the fear will be.  Will it leave a permanent change in our correspondence with people once it's disappeared?  Or will we remain nervous about physical contact for a long time to come?  

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