Saturday, April 11, 2020

Don't Watch the News

I do my best to not watch the news more than once a day because I don't want to get depressed.  Almost all the news channels you can get report on the coronavirus for most of their air time.  I know they want to keep people informed and to not let up their guard but it's just too much for me.

Life is kind of boring but none of my family is sick so I'm going to concentrate on my good fortune instead of what lurks outside my doors.  A lot of people will have continuing mental problems long after the virus is gone because we've become a little paranoid about social interaction.  My reputation as a world class hugger is no longer an asset but I can still hug my family when the virus is over...I hope!

I have to give a lot of credit to my Canadian government and Prime Minister Trudeau for how they've taken the reins to protect us.  No-one could have seen this coming or prepared for it and I'm amazed each time I read the Canadian statistics of infection and death from the virus and then read the U.S. statistics.  We've dodged a major bullet by having a government that took control as early as they did.  Time was of the essence and not all leaders realized it.

If there is a positive side to this tragedy it's how so many people went above and beyond to aid in helping the sick and the needy.  Nurses have always had my heart but we see every day how both doctors and nurses (and so many others) have given of themselves until they collapsed.  This is the wonderful side of our humanity and one we'd better remember when the dust settles.

I haven't watched the news yet today but we did have some good news yesterday.  There's a good chance that we've reached the peak of infection but not the peak of related deaths.  The virus has been especially deadly for seniors so nursing homes became incubators and killed off many of the elderly all over the world.  We're finally becoming the treasures we always thought we were now that our numbers are falling.

Cindy braved the lineups at the grocery store this morning to pick up groceries for her and for me, too.  She said the lineups have gotten worse over the last week or so...plenty of food but only a certain number of shoppers are allowed inside the grocery stores at one time.  

 None of us will forget the year 2020 for a long time to come.


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