Wednesday, April 01, 2020

Quarantine Day 13

Quarantine Day 12 was too boring to write about.

I've had the news on T.V. all morning and been half listening to it.  I'm beginning to think that the best and most up-to-date info is coming from New York's Governor Cuomo.  Trudeau is doing his best but he sounds like a stuffed shirt.  Cuomo sounds as though he's sitting on your sofa and giving you the straight, unvarnished goods.

It's gotten worse, everything is worse and getting more worse every day.  Slipping into the news is the possibility this will hang on into the summer and then return in the fall or winter.  We can just keep hoping that there will be a vaccine available soon.  

Cindy and Don are going for a drive today and bringing me some bananas.  Kim is at work but will do a larger grocery shopping for me when she finishes.  I hate the fact that my girls are going into stores and exposing themselves to the danger of the virus.  They might be ignoring the fact that they, aged 60 and almost 62, are also seniors who are the most vulnerable to this virus.

I have one more day of quarantine before it's supposedly safe for me to go out.  I'll only go for drives in the car but I know the deadly germs are out there waiting to be touched.  If I was a healthier senior I might take more chances but my immune system isn't normal and that's why I have to be as careful as possible.  

Cindy and I talked about the new norm for social greeting and I prefer the pressing of my hands together in front of my chin and slightly bowing.  I'm sure there's a name for that because it's a common greeting in India and probably other's polite without contact.  I'll have to do some research to find out the significance of the gesture. 

I slept well last night because I took Melatonin.  I don't like to take it often but the night before I was awake at 2 A.M. and up for the day at 3A.M. but with a couple of naps throughout the day to make up for my loss of sleep.  

I did laundry this morning and made my bed.  I just might do some Swedish weaving this afternoon.  I'm bored.

I checked on the internet and found the name of the greeting gesture.  Of course it's called Namaste and I should have known that.  It's a Hindu geeting and it means "I bow to the divine in you".  What a lovely greeting, especially in these times of limiting physical contact.

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