Thursday, April 30, 2020

Walmart Grocery Pick-Up

I had tried earlier to register for grocery pick-up at Walmart but wasn't able to finish the registration...not positive why.  Cindy urged me to try again and I did that yesterday and was able to complete it.  I might have been trying to do things out of order when I first tried and that's why it didn't work.  Anyway, I got registered, ordered my groceries, and I pick them up on Tuesday.  I don't need anything sooner than that so the wait is fine with me.  I'll still have to go to the grocery stores for odds and ends once in a while but I can continue grocery shopping this way forever if I choose.

I posted my success on Facebook and Aeron commented that curbside grocery pick-up was also perfect for mothers with babies (or even just kids in general).  I remember when my daughters were young, we'd just leave them in the car while we grocery shopped.  It was safe then, unlike the horror show of depravity we now live in.  I remember one time walking back to the car and seeing it rocking.  Not what you might think!  Kim and Cindy were battling fiercely in the back seat.  I'm so glad they love each other now but they fought terribly when they both lived at home.  Sometimes love can only survive with a bit of distance.

I've been up since 2:30, unable to sleep again so tonight I'll take a melatonin tablet.  I get a wonderful night's sleep when I do but I don't like to take them regularly.  I have friends who take one every night but I don't want to get used to that.

Kim visited me after work yesterday and we sat in the apartment lobby chatting.  This is frowned on right now but she and I kept our 6' distance the whole time and it was such a pleasure for me to spend even a short while with one of my babies.  Kim will be 62 on the 30th but she will always be my baby!  She and Cindy each bought new bikes to ride for exercise this summer.  They live pretty close to each other and bike riding is a pleasant way to exercise.

Well, I've finished playing my computer games and writing in the blog so maybe it's time to get dressed and do some Swedish weaving.  Life may not be great right now but it's not so bad, either.

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