Monday, May 04, 2020

Irresponsible Covid Abusers

It's difficult to understand the mindset of people who deliberately defy the distancing rules of the coronavirus.  Do these people think they're immune?  Do they understand that many people risk death if they come in contact with the virus?  I watched a video of some of the stupidest people put on this earth as they took their young children to a playground that was roped off to protect the public from the virus.

They verbally abused a police officer sent to remove them, all the while filming it for their dumbass 15 minutes of "fame" as their children watched and learned from them.The police officers were unbelievably lenient on these idiots and should have arrested them on the spot.  One idiot demanded to be arrested and then, surprise, looked shocked and fought the officer as he applied handcuffs to her.  She should not be allowed to breed!

A woman on Facebook whined how her rights were being violated because of the restrictions so I and many others reminded her that the rest of us have rights, too, and don't want her contaminating us just because she can't go about her regular life right now.  Where the hell do these people get off feeling they can do as they please??

People have swarmed the beaches and parks and then gone grocery shopping and possibly contaminated items that some poor senior touched and got sick, maybe died.  Have we raised generations of entitled brats to the extent that they have little or no empathy for their fellow man/woman?  I'm generalizing because there are more of the younger generation who do care and who do take precautions to prevent spreading the virus but I've seen a lot of photos of crowded beaches and parks lately.

It does boil down to entitlement, though.  Too many people thinking they are the center of the universe and who are going to be shocked out of their skins when they fall on their faces.  We're a spoiled society for sure and doing without the luxuries we've become used to even for a short time is intolerable to some.  We live in a comfort that even my ancestors could never have dreamed of...mine were poor, hardworking people.  

What we're seeing in these pitiful protesters is extreme ignorance.  Someone suggested they should go volunteer at a nursing home where the virus has ravaged the patients and the caregivers.  Good idea!  Maybe that would open their dim little eyes.

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