Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Dinner and a Phone Call

 It's the little things that make life pleasant.  Kim worked all day yesterday and still took the time to visit me after work and have dinner..Skip the Dishes, of course.  And Shelley phoned me which also pleased me very much.  I still haven't heard from Cindy but I'm hoping that wound will heal in the future.

I'm going to be looking after Nolan and Nash for a few hours today because their mother got a job with Door Dash.  It's confusing to me because she felt it was too dangerous to allow us all to be together with the kids for Thanksgiving dinner but it's okay for me to babysit.  I am looking forward to spending some time with the boys but I realize I shouldn't have agreed to babysit.  Probably the biggest danger to us old folks right now is from school children who are most likely to carry the virus home from school.  I decided to take care of them today but no more until it's safer.

Shelley told me someone stole her election sign for Biden.  This happens every once in a while even here in Canada and it's so stupid.  Do the thieves really think they're gaining votes for their own candidate of choice when they destroy the other candidate's signs..or hats or other propaganda?  It seems to be all part of the latest wave of intimidation tactics where Trump is a prime example.  

I'm very worried about the aftermath of the U.S. election because Trump will not leave gracefully.  I don't think there's a chance in hell he'll win the election but who would have thought he'd win the last one?  If by some crazy chance he does win, the United States will be so changed forever that it will be terrifying to live there or even visit.  Racism will completely destroy the country.

If that happens, Shelley and John will move to Canada which will be wonderful for Shelley but heartbreaking for John because almost all of his family lives in the States.  I don't know what their kids' plans are but I hope they mirror their parents'.

Faye and I went to Ikea on Monday and met Valerie there.  Apparently Valerie didn't like the way we shop...we like to mosey around and take our time looking at things but Valerie, like so many of her generation, just want to get in there and buy what they went for and then leave.  It might have something to do with us seniors having the time to browse and the younger generation always being in a rush.  Val retired last year so she's still in transition learning how to slow down.

I went to Ikea for storage baskets but came home with a mat and 2 flower pots.  Sometimes this happens but there's always another day to shop for the storage baskets.

Well, life offers us many paths to follow and my paths lately have been kind of twisted but I'll survive.    

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