Friday, October 23, 2020

Scary But Funny

 The second and last debate between Biden and Trump was last night and Trump finally followed the advice of his people.  Instead of his usual outrageous and aggressive behaviour, he was softer spoken and less interruptive but it tickled my funny bone.  He ended up looking like a little boy that had been warned by his mother to behave or he'd get a "whoopin".  Everyone knew that this was not his normal behaviour but at least it made the debate easier to watch.

Trump lost support after the first debate because he behaved so horribly that even Republicans couldn't stand him.  He's not a stupid man and he knew this was his last real chance to gain back what he'd lost so he forced himself to act halfway human.  It looked creepy and funny at the same time.  Biden displayed his usual calm and gentlemanly behaviour.  What a difference in personalities!  

I'll watch the election because whatever happens in the States will always affect Canada.  I'm assuming Biden will win but I'm not crazy about all of his plans, either, but anyone would be better than Trump.  The U.S. has got to start healing and working together instead of all of this chaos in the government.  I think that is the legacy Trump will be most remembered by...the total chaos and waste of 4 years.  If he wins, I personally think it's the complete end of the United States as we've known it before Trump.  It will become no longer powerful and no longer respected. 

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