Monday, April 30, 2018


I've questioned everything all of my life, seldom taking anything at face value.  The behaviour of some people absolutely astounds me and I'm at a loss to find any logic to what they do.

Take, for instance, the guy who was so angry because he couldn't find a woman to have sex with him so he rented a van and plowed it into a group of pedestrians.  In his little, ugly mind, how is that going to accomplish getting him laid?  Well, maybe by the men he'll meet in prison but I don't think that was his intent.

Then there are the men who beat their wives in order to control them.  Is it their purpose in life to have total control over someone or to have that someone love them?  I'm thinking those men are so horribly insecure that they don't believe anyone would voluntarily love them or want to be with them.

Men aren't the only whackos.  There are women who spend their lives acquiring so much "stuff" they can't possibly use, that they become hoarders.  Is this a case of "whoever dies with the most stuff wins" or is it just misdirected desires?

I've seen kids having temper tantrums demanding a toy or even once a really fat kid screaming for an ice cream cone.  The parents placated and babied the out of control child instead of teaching them decent behaviour.  That child will be shocked when they go out in the world and find no-one else will tolerate their tantrums.

I watched a bit of a program last night about a young man who chose to rob someone and was sent to prison where he was brutally raped.  The gist of the story was that he'd come from a deprived background and we should have sympathy for him. When he got out of prison, he continued being a criminal, going back to prison many times.  He ended up committing murder so now he's in prison to stay.  Don't they ever learn???

My worst vice was overeating.  I know and knew then exactly why but I did it anyway because I felt that it really didn't matter.  Instant gratification!  Well, every single one of the choices we make do matter because there are consequences for each and every one of them.  If we're smart, the consequences will be positive ones but, if we continue to bang our heads against a brick wall, we can't be surprised when it hurts.

I love Dr. Phil's response to people who try to justify their poor choices.  He says, "how is that working for you?" and, of course, it's not.  Common sense tells us that, if our current behaviour is causing us grief, then the logical answer is to change that behaviour.

Now, I'm far from perfect but I'm also kind of smart so I have changed my behaviour in many ways over the years to better my life.  It's only logical.

Sunday, April 29, 2018

Too Much Talk

Nash turned 7 in February when I was in Florida so we chose yesterday as our special day when we'd go out and buy him his birthday present.  He wanted a remote control car.  Okay.  Then he changed his mind and wanted a drone but I helped change his mind back to the remote control car.

I picked him up at Kim's where he'd stayed overnight and she looked a little frazzled.  She said he never stopped talking.  Now, Nash is a really sweet little boy but he has a very talkative brother so, when he's the only kid around, he makes up for it by talking constantly...and it's very, very tiring.

He talked all the way out the door and to the car.  He talked all the way to Walmart where we were going to get his car (ToysRUs has gone out of business so Walmart is all we have now).  He talked all the way into the store and all the way through the store.  He talked as he found the car he wanted and put it in the cart.  He talked all the way to the cash register and all the way out to the car.  He talked all the way to "Wendy's" where we would have lunch.  I could only hope he couldn't talk with food in his mouth.  He did.

He talked all through lunch and all the way out to the car where I was now in a hurry to return him to Kim.  He was talking as I started up the car and I asked him if his seat belt was on.  He answered, "yes, I have to keep myself safe".  And I melted.  He is one of the sweetest little boys in the world and I adore him.

He talked all the way home and all the way into Kim's house.  She looked a little surprised to see us back so soon but I'm sure she understood.  I made a hurried exit to the peace and quiet of the outside world.  I am much too old to be around a kid who never stops talking but I do love him!

Happy belated 7th birthday, Nash!

Saturday, April 28, 2018

Canadian Health Care, Eh!

Say all you want about the deficiencies of our Canadian health care system but, if you have the right family doctor, you have gold.  I just wanted to add to my blogs about my latest health problems by saying that I have an absolutely wonderful family doctor who really does care about his patients.

Dr. Alipio is fairly new as my family doctor and the one who replaced my long time family doctor who was also wonderful.  I've been fairly lucky to have good doctors although the ones I had earlier in life were not so wonderful.

It was the Emergency room doctors at the hospital who made the arrangements for me to see the hematologist because they were the first to see the low hemoglobin level.  It bothers me that this information is not necessarily sent to my family doctor, though.  Anyway, I also had bloodwork done last week especially to be sent to Dr. Alipio who had no previous knowledge about the low red blood count found at the hospital.  I was away for a few days after those blood tests and came home to 5 messages on my answering machine, all from him or his assistant expressing concern about the hemoglobin count and wondering if I'd already seen the hematologist.  He is definitely a hands on doctor who follows up on any inconsistencies and I appreciate that so much.

Yes, our health care system is flawed but, if you're lucky enough to have a good family doctor, it isn't so bad.  I'll never receive a bill or a co-pay from any of the medical services I've used in the last couple of weeks.

Iron Supplement

Because my hemoglobin is very low, I've been given an iron supplement to increase it.  I don't know if it's my imagination or not, but the extra iron in my blood seemed to make a tremendous difference in my stamina level within days.  It will be interesting to see my next bloodwork.

My diet has been terrible for years but I honestly never realized what harm I was doing to my body by not getting enough nutrients into it with my food.  I guess I thought our bodies could survive any kind of abuse but I know now that they can't so I'm making a big effort to eat better.

There is an expression, "you are what you eat", and I used to joke about being a giant potato chip but I'm wiser now and will eat more beef and vegetables.  I do love salads but just haven't bothered to make them.  I prefer chicken to beef but I like beef, too.  Whatever it takes to increase my stamina is what I'll do because feeling exhausted all the time is not pleasant.

The iron supplement really surprised me, though, in how quickly it took effect.  I also bought some Vitamin B12 because it's also good for the blood but have just started taking it so we'll see if it helps.  In any case, I feel much stronger than I did last week and I'm giving the credit to the iron supplement.

Monday, April 23, 2018

Weight Loss

It's almost always nice to discover you've lost a couple of pounds but not today.  I have a few health issues and my appetite has been quite poor for a long time now and I had lost about 5-6 lbs. over the winter.  I got on the scale this morning and discovered I'd lost another 7 lbs. in recent weeks...this isn't a good sign.

I've tired more easily all winter and then just found out my hemoglobin is lower than normal so I'm assuming this has a lot to do with the weight loss.  I see the hematologist today so will find out more info.  I was diagnosed with CLL (chronic lymphatic leukemia) 5-6 years ago but only needed a yearly check-up to see if it had progressed much.  The white blood cells are still in the pretty good range but this is the first time I've had to be concerned about the red blood cells.  I know I eat a terrible diet and maybe fixing that might fix the problem.  Who knows?

I really hate going to doctors.

Update:  After more blood tests and consultation with 2 specialists, they tell me they don't know what's going on with me so they're sending me for a catscan.  They also gave me a prescription for Iron...OHIP doesn't cover that so it cost me $51 for 100 tablets.  I understand it's not normal for my red blood cells to decrease so quickly (now 89) but I have high hopes this has much to do with my diet and my recent colds.  They don't think it's related to the CLL, either.

I have another appointment with them in 2 weeks where they'll draw more blood to see if there is any improvement.  Mind you, I feel fine other than having little stamina.

Sunday, April 22, 2018


Weddings are not a ritual of the past...they are still a major event in our lives even though the process may be a little different from 50 years ago.

We have 3 weddings in the family this year and all of the couples chose to live together for a while before having the ceremony.  I honestly think this is a wise thing to do because you can't really know a person until you've lived with them.  Two couples chose to buy a house before the ceremony and that I'm not as sure about.  In the case of the couples who did, their commitment to each other was strong enough to make it work but what if the arrangement didn't work out?  What if they broke up and still owned a house together?

In any case, these 3 couples are not starry eyed teenagers.  They are full grown adults all well set on their careers.  I'm sure they have their own reasons for getting married versus continuing to just live together and it might have something to do with family values.  Marrying is a full fledged commitment to join together on your travel through life.  Living together and getting to know their partners well aided in them knowing who they want to travel with.

Yes, the ritual of legal marriage is still with us but I think today's brides and grooms are now more mature and ready for a lifetime commitment.

Friday, April 20, 2018

Low Hemoglobin

At least I now know why I've been extra tired lately.  My hemoglobin is pretty low and I'm seeing the hematologist on Monday to find out why.  You know, the minute you let anyone in the medical field look at your innards with exrays, catscans, MRI's, or testing your blood, they will find something wrong and try to treat it.  I should be grateful we have socialized medicine in Canada but I really just wish I never had to see a doctor again.

The good news for me today is that I slept quite well using Kim's humidifier.  I need to go out and do some shopping and I'm looking forward to lunch at "Wendys"...chicken strips and baked potato, of course.  Kim is picking me up after work and taking me to Nick and Bev's new house for dinner.  I'm so excited to see it!  I want to plan some kind of plantings for their front garden, something low maintenance for sure.  Nick's orders!

The sun is shining and it's much warmer out today, too.  I guess we're getting a taste of Spring for a while at least.  April is one of those months where you might get snow or heat any given day.

Thursday, April 19, 2018

And the World Still Turns

Funny how, when you're sick, nothing much else seems to matter but the stage of your illness.  I haven't worried about politics, criminals, or whatever since I got sick.  I have become the center of my universe.

My daughters check with me every day but it was my grandson, Matt, who called to check on me this morning.  Matt and I have a strong connection.  He's always been the one who needed me most even in his wild days as a young child.  I always said that, if I didn't love him so much, I would have killed him in those days.  And this morning alone, I reaped the benefit of all that love I have for him.

We've been having a little debate on Facebook about using a leash on small children when you're out walking.  If ever in this lifetime a child needed one of those leashes, it was Matthew.  We didn't use one on him but it would have been a good thing if we had.  He didn't run but he hid which is just as frightening for an adult.  He was always looking for a laugh and that got him into trouble a lot in his childhood.  

Of course we compared him to his brother, Nick, who was born a middle aged man.  Nick was always so mature and responsible that it was strange to see how wild and impulsive Matt was.  They didn't get along when they were young but now they're the best of friends.  I'm so happy about that!

Now back to the world outside...way too much news about Trump's affairs.  Who cares??  Personally, I'd like to hear when Spring will really arrive and we can get rid of this cold, snow, and grey skies.  April is often like this and I don't mind the cold as much as I do the dreary sky.

Today I'll do nothing much because I don't feel up to it.  I'm about 90% better but that last 10% is tiring.  The whole cold episode has been unbelievably tiring and I need to build up some stamina. 

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Dry Cough

I feel a lot better today but still have that awful dry cough especially when I'm laying down.  It's almost impossible to sleep.  I propped myself up with pillows last night and managed to get a few hours sleep.

What worries me is that I've been taking an antibiotic for 5 days now and still not feeling the way I should.  When I go into a coughing jag, it's very hard to get my breath and it sounds a lot like bronchitis.  Since I sleep with my bedroom window open, I wonder if my neighbors think I have pneumonia with all this coughing.

I bought some Mucinex because it's supposed to loosen up the mucus but it hasn't worked very well...just a tiny bit.  I have pills all over the kitchen counter, some prescription and some over-the-counter, and I hate taking any of them!

I never used to worry about catching a cold when I was younger.  Being around snotty nosed kids meant you'd catch one sooner or later.  Now I cringe when anyone near me coughs or sneezes.  At my age, a cold is not as easy to overcome as it was when I was younger.

I have things to do and people to see so it's very frustrating being tied down with a damn cold.

Sunday, April 15, 2018

Scary Moment

This cold has been wicked.  The original one I had 5-6 weeks ago was bad enough but I guess when you don't completely recover from a serious cold and it flares up it's going to be worse still.

 I've been to Emergency a couple of times in my life but the other day when I had trouble breathing was very frightening for me.  Breathing is life.  What happens is that I cough and cough but nothing is expelled from my sputum.  It feels as though there's something there that just won't come up.

I started taking an antibiotic yesterday and thought healing wasn't far away but, when I went to bed last night, I started to cough again but this time it was worse.  I got into a spasm of coughing which didn't give me time to draw in a breath and I seriously felt as though I was about to pass out.  The thought that I should call 911 before that happened flit through my mind.  

I didn't pass out but it scared me pretty badly.  Something told me that I had to continue coughing to expel whatever was in my lungs...the hospital exray and the two doctors I saw on Friday had said my lungs were clear but something was there.

Still afraid of losing my breath again, I tried doing a lengthier cough which I thought might help dislodge mucus.  It did just a little bit and for the first time I saw that the mucus was very sticky.  I know this isn't a pleasant image but someone besides me might go through this at some time.

And so I coughed...and coughed...and coughed...and it worked just a little bit each time but it worked.  Today I'm feeling much stronger but still coughing a bit (looser) and my sinuses are still clogged.  It's cold as hell outside with snow, sleet, and rain but I'm not going out so who cares.

According to the weather report, Springtime temps might show up next weekend with a hint on Wednesday.  I hope I'm feeling well enough to go out on Wednesday to get some chores done...banking, income tax, a few groceries, etc.  Nothing that needs doing right away but soon.

I'm assuming that the reason my cough wasn't producing sputum was because it was sticking to my esophagus.  In any case, the resulting inability to draw breath was awful.  I don't know how asthmatics handle it.

Now, after treating the reader to some icky graphic descriptions, I hope the worst is behind me and that I learned something from my illness.

Saturday, April 14, 2018


If you're ever feeling foolish enough to think you don't need family or friends, try being sick all by yourself with no-one to care.

Yesterday my Kim quickly left work to take me to the hospital and spend 6 hours with me there.  Today my Cindy picked up a drug prescription for me and then made me a huge pot of chicken soup.  I needed some medical information and Shelley answered right away (she's living in Tampa).  These are my daughters and there is no question I have been blessed with 3 of the best.

When I was sick in Florida last month it was friends who are almost like family who went out of their way for me...some bringing food, some bringing drugs (legal, LOL!), and one bringing me flowers.

I am blessed!

6 Hours in Emergency

I was pretty sick yesterday morning, sick enough to call my family doctor.  He wasn't in the office in the morning but I got to see him first thing in the afternoon...not bad for socialized medicine, right?  He's such a sweetheart and was a little concerned with my ultra rapid heart rate (probably caused by my decreased inability to breathe) so he sent me to Emergency.  I drove home and phoned Cindy to take me there but she didn't get the message so I called Kim.  She's the lone office employee at her job most of the time so I really didn't want to drag her away from it but she has wonderful employers  who told her to just go!

We went to Juravinsky because I don't like the General Hospital which is closest to me.  I told the admitting nurse that I was dying (joking, of course) and hoped that would get me through the system faster.  Waiting times at our hospitals are actually outrageous and we ended up spending 6 hours in order to get an exray and bloodwork done before I was diagnosed with a sinus infection (maybe) but also found to be quite anemic.  The doctor gave me a prescription and we took it to the nearest Shoppers drugstore where I too late discovered it was for amoxicillin and I'm allergic to pennicillin so I just bought an over-the-counter drug for sinus cold.  I don't know if I can get the on-call doctor to give me another antibiotic today because it's Saturday.  I might have to wait until Monday and have my family doctor do it.  

I actually feel a bit better today but my sinuses hurt so I should be using an antibiotic.  The over-the-counter Tylenol has helped but it won't cure an infection.

Now, being anemic is fairly new for me but it was pointed out at my last physical in October.  I'm not sure if it has something to do with the CLL but the hospital doctor suggested I might need a blood transfusion.  I always knew it's best to stay away from doctors because they will always find something bad about your health you'd prefer not to know.

Anyway, I slept well last night but was wide awake about 4 A.M. so I just stayed up.  I'll call the on-call doctor later and hope for the best but I can tolerate how I feel right now because it isn't near as awful as I felt yesterday.  Just being able to breathe through my nose means I'm getting more oxygen and I was not doing it well yesterday.

I believe this latest episode with the cold and infection was caused by the cold I had last month not completely going away.  That seemed to last about 10 days but did linger on somewhat until flaring back up again.  And there lies the problem.

My plans for this weekend are to do nothing much but rest.  I'm good at that!

Friday, April 13, 2018


I can't believe this darned cold I had over  a month ago didn't quite heal and now it's back again.  I was told the cough would remain for 3-6 weeks so I didn't worry when I kept coughing but my sinuses have been blocked up the whole time and I should have realized this means it's probably an infection.

Yesterday I felt like crap and today is only a tad better so I'm going to call my doctor and ask if he will prescribe me an antibiotic over the phone...they used to do that all the time but now they seem to want to see you first.  I feel like crap and don't want to go out...I also don't feel alert enough to be driving so that means having to get Cindy to leave work to take me to the doctor's office.  I hate this!!!

Remember when doctors made house calls?  I understand that times have changed and their time is very valuable but what about people like me who, today, don't feel well enough to go out?  Would a doctor tell you to go to Emergency if you feel too sick to come to their office?  There's not a chance in hell that I'd go to Emergency and sit in the waiting room for hours feeling like I do now.  I guess I'll find out if my sweet young doctor will prescribe for me over the phone when I call him at 9 A.M.

I really hate inconveniencing my family and I don't think it's wise to expose Cindy to my germs.  Maybe I'll just drive myself if I have to do that.

Thursday, April 12, 2018

Can't Sleep

My recent cold has renewed itself and I can't sleep.  Since we're going to have about another week of rain or cloudiness, I can sleep in later this morning without the bright sunshine (left in Florida) to wake me up.  I hate sleepless nights but they're not so bad when you're able to nap all day if you want to.

One of the reasons I couldn't fall asleep is because I keep organizing in my mind how I'll move the spare bedroom furniture around to clean the floor.  And then how to arrange it because I'm getting a huge wall shelving unit (5' x 5') to hold my craft items more neatly.  The logistics of it all just keep rolling around in my mind and that's why I'm wide awake and playing on the computer at 3:09 A.M.

I took my income tax papers to Craig today and I'm really hoping to get a nice refund back like I did last year.  My income is much the same...pensions don't rise much each I should do okay.  I went with Faye and then we went out for lunch.  I rarely go out for anything around lunchtime without eating at a restaurant.

I think I'll try going to bed and watching T.V. for a while.  Maybe I'll fall asleep for a few hours.

Wednesday, April 11, 2018


I feel passionately about certain things and I speak up about them, maybe not as tactfully as I should but what I say is what I feel.  My Cindy asked me a favor and that was to stop being so political.  She sees me getting myself into hot water probably with my family when I speak out about certain things and she is attempting to protect me.  I'm not sure I can just shut up.

The way I see it is that every one of us have unique views of the world we live in but that is only a part of what we are.  Most of the people I dearly love don't share my political or social views but I love them anyway.  I just ignore what I don't agree with in them because I know that, for the vast majority of their make-up, they are wonderful people.  None of them and definitely none of me is perfect.

One of my big problems is that it's sometimes difficult for me to make myself understood and some people take what I say the wrong way.  Shelley and I had a discussion about the gravity of the horrors that have happened to black slaves and I mentioned that the Irish went through similar situations when they were brought here as slaves.  I'm not sure but I think she equated the numbers with the gravity of the situation.  I stressed that one black slave and one Irish slave suffered equally but that didn't mean I discount the numbers.  I obviously wasn't able to express myself properly because Shelley didn't understand what I meant but Cindy did.  Maybe I'm not making myself clear right now but I'm doing the best I can.

Any time a person is enslaved, preyed upon, harmed or murdered because of their skin color or ethnicity is a shame on the human race.  Our society should have evolved by now to a place where everyone is equal and have equal rights.  That we haven't risen far enough up the evolutionary scale might be because we are, as human beings, too flawed to achieve perfection no matter how much time passes.

If I point out inequality for any facet of our population except blacks, it doesn't mean I'm racist.  It simply means I'm pointing out inequality in another facet of the population.  It sounds so simple to me but apparently not to some who read my words differently than I intend them.

I want a day when the only thing that matters in a person is their character and nothing else.  I won't live to see that day and I'm afraid my children and grandchildren won't, either.

And, yes, I will always comment on what I feel strongly about, Cindy, but I'll try to be more aware of how my words might be taken.     

Monday, April 09, 2018


You just can't say enough about how important "home" is or how wonderful it is to be there.  Home is where you are.  Home is where you keep your best stuff.  Home is your comfy place.  I just got home and I'm loving every second of it, even though I haven't cleaned up all the winter dust yet.  I actually haven't emptied the car trunk completely yet, either, but it will get done.  Where I'll put everything might be a problem but that, too, will be sorted out.

For whatever reason I've craved to be home all winter.  That doesn't mean I didn't enjoy my Florida family and friends or the mostly warm weather.  I just felt an unexplained need to be home so, now that I'm here, I feel relaxed and just where I'm supposed to be.

I started spring cleaning this morning and got the livingroom and bathroom mostly done and some floors washed.  I like to work on one room at a time and will finish off the livingroom tomorrow and maybe start my bedroom.  The spare bedroom will be last.  The kitchen, of course, is sort of a messy receptacle of cleaning supplies until they can be put away.  It's clean but the counter is piled with cleaners and income tax papers for the moment.  I do have my system and it works pretty well.

One thing I haven't done yet is to get groceries except milk for coffee and potato chips for snacks.  This could force me out of the house tomorrow to buy more groceries.

By the time I get my apartment and home life organized, it will truly be springtime and warm.  

Life is good!

Thursday, April 05, 2018

Shelley's Birthday

What a wonderful day!  Faye and I drove over in the mid morning...perfect and beautiful Florida springtime day.  It was great to see Cindy and Kyle who were down for a week's visit, too.  John, who has a very demanding and important job tried his best to keep the day free to celebrate Shelley's birthday...they have one of the best marriages ever.  

Shelley and John took all of us to the Columbian restaurant in Ybor city...a gorgeous place...and then we shopped in the attached store which specializes in gorgeous pottery and cigars.  We bought pottery!

Then home to relax or nap until it was time to head over to Clearwater where we took the dinner first one.  Nicole and Sam zipped over after work to join us, too.  For them it was a 3 hour drive after work in heavy traffic but they made it!!

The cruise was lovely, the food was lovely, and the weather couldn't have been better.  Shelley's 54th birthday was a great success.

We went back home and watched a Spanish redo of and old comedy sitcom and it was pretty funny.  It was mostly in English but did have subtitles, too.  After that it was bedtime for all of us and I had the best sleep I'd had in ages.

Today we all came back to my trailer so Kyle could see it.  Funny, I've had the trailer since 2000 and Kyle has never made it here before.  Then off to do a bit of shopping for baby clothes for Nicole's sister-in-law's new baby girl.  OMG!  Someone in my family has to have a baby girl so I can shop for those cute little clothes!!

We still had some time before meeting at Nicole's house.  We were going out for dinner again!  So we went to a little bar in the strip mall and had drinks.  I wasn't driving so I had my favorite...gin and tonic.  Lovely!

We then drove to Nicole's house so Cindy and Kyle could see her new bathroom and then off to the restaurant for dinner!  Since there were now 6 of us and Cindy's car only held 5, Nicole had to take her sweet little red Miata convertible and I chose to go with her.  What fun!!!

Sam met us at the restaurant...the same Thai restaurant we went to last week and just loved.  I'm definitely going to the "Lemon Grass" when I get back to Canada.  Thai food is delicious!

Driving home was pretty hilarious with us women joking about our sexual exploits and Kyle trying not to throw up.  Nothing outrageous was said but sons, grandsons, and nephews don't want to hear stuff like that.  He is sooooo cute!

You would think with all the excitement and busy day that I would sleep like a log but no.  I was wide awake at 4 A.M. and up at 5:15 A.M.  There is a lot of work to do today in packing up and closing down things in the trailer but I'm hoping to do all that and still get a nap in this afternoon.  There are many things on my list to get done but none of them take much time so that's a good thing.

I want to get on last card game in with friends tonight, too, so I'll need that nap.  I'm quite excited about heading out for home on Saturday morning and hope to be in Canada on Sunday.  We'll do our best!

Monday, April 02, 2018

Winding Down

Believe it or not, there are a ton of things that have to be done to secure the safety of the trailer before it's closed up for the summer.  Heaven help anyone who neglects to turn the water off at the main shut-off.  I keep a list and follow it to the letter.

Because there are many little details to look after, I tend to do a little at a time over the last week.  Yesterday I stored away some patio chairs and one patio table, leaving one patio table and 2 chairs out for Faye and me to use. This morning I began bagging dishes we won't be needing again.  I like to put lots of things in bags so the summer bugs can't get on them.  Ick!

The last item that needs doing is that one of shutting the water off at the main but, because I'm afraid of snakes, I can't do until it's light outside.  That means we can't head home until almost full daylight...we'd lose a half hour driving.  Dear Dee has offered to come over and turn the water off for us so we can get an earlier start this year.  My anxiety to be home is still as strong as ever so the earlier we leave the better.

I've already attended to the utilities, the summer schedule for the bug man, and the cleaning and power washing for when I come back in December so some very important items are already done.  It's the little things like laying out pans of kitty litter and charcoal, covering the toilet basin and tank with plastic wrap, covering the furniture with sheets, etc., etc., etc. that have to wait until later in the week or even on the day we leave.  Without a list, I'd be sure to forget something important and then fret about it all summer.

I remember asking Dennis to show me what to do to close down the trailer and him being very angry and saying I'd never need to know because he'd always take care of it.  Well, he's been gone almost 13 years and I've been the one taking care of it all.  Hmmm!

It isn't a big job, it's a many little things job. 

Sunday, April 01, 2018

Last Friday Coffee

This was our final Friday coffee morning of the season and even sparser because many have already left for home.  We got 2 hubbies (only allowed on the final day), Myrna's husband, Wendell, and Kathy B's boyfriend, Scott.  It's always nice to see men who are comfortable in the presence of a bunch of yakking women.  We also had our obligatory Irish Cream for our final coffee morning but I might have been the only one who indulged.

Our numbers have dwindled from years past but the ladies who remain still warm my heart.  They are all treasures!