Friday, December 30, 2016

Almost the New Year

As 2016 nears it's end, we seem to reminisce about the plus and minuses of the year.  My year is ending by far on the plus side but there were a few sad minuses, too.  The biggest minus was when Isabel passed away.  She had fought cancer for over 2 years so it wasn't a surprise, just a heartache to lose her.  The other minus was being diagnosed with that darned cyst in my pancreas that still hasn't begun to hurt and might never but could.  

There will never be a year for any one of us that doesn't hold both good and bad because that's life.  I don't know who else besides my family that reads this blog but I hope everyone takes to heart that it's family that rules the world.  Family will nurture us and support us and comfort us throughout our lives...good family, that is.  If we don't come from good family, we can create our own.  There might be crime, war, and disasters all around us but, if we have good family, we will survive it all.

I'm not particularly anxious to see what 2017 will bring.  I'm very concerned about "President Trump".  I'm extremely thrilled about Nicole and Sam's wedding.  I'm a little worried about the cyst. 

Let's just wait and see.  

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Aeron's Birthday

I'm beginning to lose track of how old my grandchildren are but I think Aeron is 27 today.  Aeron was our first born granddaughter and I have such happy memories of her growing up.  Funny how the personality a child displays in their early childhood is mainly the one they'll carry through life.  Aeron was a good little girl but she was quietly aggressive towards her brothers if no-one else.  She was and is a very self assured young lady so I guess we all did our jobs well in raising her.

Kim, Cindy, and I are driving out to Aeron's to take her for lunch...her Momma, her auntie, and her Gramma...all relatives who helped bring her to the wonderful woman she has turned out to be.  We taught her early to have enough respect for herself that she wouldn't settle for any abuse in her life and she learned well!  Her significant other, Jake, is a great guy with good family values and I'm sure they'll be married in the not too distant future.

Happy Birthday, my precious granddaughter.  You are so very much loved!

Monday, December 26, 2016

New Traditions

Dennis and I held an open house every Christmas Eve for more years than I can remember.  Our house was always filled to overflowing with mostly family but a few friends and no-one seemed to mind how crowded it was.  It was a joyful time.  Then we also had our immediate family for dinner the next day and, again, a very joyful time spent with people we love.

This year was my first Christmas at home since 2000 and I had no plans to repeat the traditions of years past but the family has carried on those traditions and added more.

Cindy and Don had a bunch of us over for Christmas Eve and, new to the list, was a fun evening of karaoke.  Kyle made us his signature drink (I can't tell you what was in it but it was very colorful and tasty).  Kim and I left early because she was going to spend the night with Nick, Bev, Nolan and Nash and she wanted to see them before they went to bed.

Another brand new tradition in the family is having breakfast Christmas morning at Nick and Bev's house.  We've all fallen in love with Bev and welcomed her into the family with open arms.  I couldn't ask for a finer lady for my Nick and his little boys.

Kim drove me up to Cindy's because it would be dark by the time dinner and socializing was done.  Cindy and Don put on a wonderful Christmas dinner for us and then back to karaoke.

For me, it was an easy few days with very little work for me to do.  Cindy carried the biggest load but she sure had lots of help from Don, bless his heart.  Sharon and Jim were there for dinner, too, and it was a little sad for me seeing them after 5 years.  I had always thought there could never be anything that would break Sharon and me apart from our sisterly relationship but it's definitely broken.  Cindy worried about me feeling uncomfortable with Sharon there but I told her that I'd be fine but it seemed to be very uncomfortable for Sharon.  She's not well and has been having mini strokes so I don't know if that's why she seemed so different.  She was very cool towards me and that's to be expected.  Jim was his usual sweet and friendly self.

All in all, it was a lovely Christmas time for us and I see clearly how life does go on nicely even when the traditions change a bit.  It's still family getting together, eating, drinking, and being merry!  Shelley called and we all got to talk to her, John, Jake, Nicole, and Sam.  Shelley's Christmas is a little different every year because it's held somewhere different each year with one group of relatives or another.  Hopefully they'll spend next Christmas up here with us!

Oh yes.  I accidentally insulted sweet Kyle last night.  We were comparing Tyson to Pillar (not sure of the spelling but he's a baseball player) and I said I thought Tyson was much better looking.  What I hadn't heard was someone saying that Kyle looked like Pillar, too.  Of course, Kyle thought I was saying that Tyson was much better looking than HIM!  I seem to go through my life being misunderstood, damn it!  Sorry, Kyle, you know your Gramma thinks you're gorgeous!    

Saturday, December 24, 2016

Christmas Eve 2016

2016 is almost over and it's been a wild and woolly year.  I guess we could say that for all of them, though because not one single year is ever a perfectly happy one.  The most important things have remained constant for me...good friends and family that I can count on to love me and look out for me.  That's one of the most wonderful blessings in life and I'm aware of it every day.

I had originally planned on staying home tonight because I'd need a driver and I hate that so much I can't put it into words.  My kids don't seem to understand this because they seem so willing to go out of their way to drive me but I absolutely hate being dependent on anyone for rides.  Anyway, Cindy took charge and insists that Kyle pick me up and take me to her house where all her kids will be so I gave in.  Nice of me, isn't it?  LOL!  Kim tried to step in to pick me up (aren't I lucky?) but everything got rearranged and she'll be driving me home from Cindy's.  It's the switching and interfering with their plans that bugs me so much.  If it wasn't for my night blindness their lives would much easier.

Well, I guess the important thing is that I'll be with much of my everloving family tonight, missing Shelley and hers, but basking in the presence of Kim, Cindy, and theirs.

Life is good!

Thursday, December 22, 2016

How Life Changes

As I've said many, many times, we brought our children up to be very family oriented and to understand the value of family.  I get to watch proudly as my children display this often and one of the most interesting incidents happened just the other day.

My sister-in-law, Joyce, is dealing with early Alzheimers and her life is going through many changes.  Joyce is well known in the family for her cooking skills and how you know you'll be well fed with home cooking when you go to her house.  At least, that's how it used to be before her memory started to fade.  Now Larry does most of the cooking and so do their guests.  Joyce doesn't mind and that's the important thing.

Joyce and Larry are coming to Linda's for Christmas this year and Cindy decided she'd make a lasagna for them to take home with them.  We laughed so hard to think that sending food home with Larry is a nice gift now!  But it is a wonderful idea and a testament to how, when life and health do cause us major changes, we have good family who will make considerations like this.  I'm so proud of my Cindy for being so thoughtful...but I'm not surprised.

Our family is blessed!

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Statistics Canada Still Hounding Me

If it wasn't so pathetic it would be laughable.  Statistics Canada has been after me since May demanding I answer their Labor Survey or be fined or sent to jail.  To date they've called me over 300 times.  Yesterday they called 8 times beginning at 9 A.M. and ending about 7:30 P.M.  I have caller I.D. so I don't answer their calls but every once in a while they call from something other than their government number and I just hang up as soon as I know who it is.  What is the cost to us tax payers for the time and energy spent trying 300 times to get answers to a Labor Survey from a 76 year old woman??

If all they wanted was to know if I'm still working I could say no and that would be the end of it but some of the questions I find, where do I vacation.  That is none of their business.  Apparently they also ask your income...again, none of their business, I make out a tax return for that purpose.

I've asked them to stop calling.  I've e-mailed my member of parliament to get them to stop calling but never got a return answer.  I've e-mailed the provincial premier and got the same result.  There is no-one they are accountable to and that is a big problem for whoever they choose to harass.

I'll continue to not take their calls and I'll continue to hang up on them when they do get through.  I'm wondering how long it will be before they realize I'm even more determined than they are!

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Inlaws and Outlaws

I say a lot about how important family is to our wellbeing.  When I was a young girl, I was obnoxious enough to believe I could only tolerate my immediate family because that was where I ate and slept.  How totally ignorant of me to think I was better than them!  I look back now and sort of understand that teenagers often mistakenly feel superior to their parents so maybe I shouldn't beat myself up about how stupidly I behaved.

I also say a lot about how my eyes were opened to the value of good family interaction when I met my husband's family.  Not only was there vast evidence of mutual respect but they all truly liked each other.  I think I fell in love with Dennis' family as much as I did Dennis.

We raised our children the way Dennis was know that one of the most important things you can achieve in life is close and loving contact with all of your family.  Our children, in turn, have taught those principles to their own children and that makes me happy as a pig in poo.

It isn't what your family can do for you but what you can do to create as much cohesion as possible.  I hadn't thought before how important it is to have and show respect for each other, too.  Not one of your family will have the identical values or lifestyle as you do but you can connect on the major issues.  My deal breakers might be different from others but I expect my family to respect my feelings when it comes to those deal breakers.  

Because I might not want to socialize with someone in our family does not mean I expect the rest of the family to feel the same way but I do believe they should try to understand how and why I feel the way I do...and then let it go and carry on with life.  There is no-one in my family that I can't be civil with even though I might not care for them very much.  That's where manners and decency comes into play.

What is important is that we gain from strong family bonds.  I see that in my children and in my grandchildren.  My greatgrandsons are too young yet for me to know for sure they'll grow to adulthood sharing these same family bonds but it looks promising so far.  They have good family on both sides to learn from.

I am so looking forward this year to a Christmas spent with many, many family members...people I love with all my heart!


Monday, December 19, 2016

The Christmas Season

I just figured out that it doesn't matter one bit which religion you are, you can still believe in Santa and enjoy the Christmas season.  I don't really know what holidays other religions have because I was brought up in the Christian religion even though I don't follow it now.  I've always thought that Christmas was a wonderful time, not because of the presents, because of the good spirits and happiness that comes with it.  For me, Santa is a huge part of Christmas and that's because the pure joy of the season seems to revolve around him.  We can all enjoy Santa because he doesn't seem to represent any religion, just the fun side of the season.  Forget about "St. Nicholas"...that's not our Santa these days.

I'm not disrespecting the religious aspect of Christmas.  I'm only pointing out that the fun aspect (Santa) can be enjoyed by everyone without exceptions and I sincerely love that idea.  It can be a time when differences are set aside and we all just exist in an atmosphere of love and presents even necessary.  How can anyone not feel joyful when we see a beautifully decorated tree with an angel on top?  The plethora of lights and carols abound for everyone to enjoy, not just Christians.  This is why I can't understand someone who complains and wants the trees removed.  It's like the people who complain about a neighbor who painted his/her house something other than white or beige.  Enjoy the color!  Enjoy the beauty!  Find the joy in the season of giving and the looks of wonder on children's faces when they see the beautifully decorated and brightly lit trees!  Look beyond any semblance of religion if that bothers you and at least see the beauty.

I'm not religious but I love all the pageantry of Christmas.  I'm not Indian but I absolutely love the gloriously colored saris that the women wear.  I'm not native but I admire how many of them show great respect for mother earth.  I'm not a real gardener any more (balcony only) but I glory in the sight of a lovely garden.  You don't have to have any kind of title to enjoy beauty in whatever form it comes in.

And so I'm going to enjoy this Christmas season to the fullest, loving the lights and the music, loving the family get-togethers, loving my turkey dinner, and loving a season that reminds us to be giving and kind to one another.  I won't be going to any church at all but I don't mind who does.

Sunday, December 18, 2016

Snowed and Iced In

I'm afraid to go outside.  It isn't as much as the snow that completely covers my car but the ice that's underneath the snow on the ground.  I've lately become terrified of slipping on the ice and breaking a hip.  Even if nothing broke, I don't know how I'd get back up on my feet again after a fall.  It's pitiful being so old and weak!

I don't mind staying home for a while but, even in my wildest dreams, I didn't count on it being 3-4+ days...could be more.  I'm having Christmas breakfast at Nick's if I can get there and then Christmas dinner at Cindy's where I'll be sure to get there because Kim will be driving me.  I think I'm getting a taste of what my life will be like here in the frozen winter north country!

Right now my car is buried under the snow and that worries me as to how long it will take me to clear it off but the worst worry is actually how I'll even get to the car.  The parking lot is plowed regularly but I know from the other day that there is ice under the snow.  I've asked twice for underground parking to no avail.

There is chance of a slight thaw on Wednesday which hopefully could melt the ice but I'm not counting on it.  Crap!

Saturday, December 17, 2016

The Chair

Between Statistics Canada continuing to hound me for the last 7 months (can you believe it???) and the jackass who has promised over and over to come and install the swivel base on my chair, I'm not a happy camper.  I'm a simple old lady who wants Statistics Canada to leave me alone and I want the damn swivel base on my chair just the way I ordered it.  Life shouldn't be filled with unnecessary problems like this.

My problem with the chair is that I like the lady who sold it to me...she's been very polite and kind throughout...but I don't like her cousin's husband who has promised to install the damn base but rarely shows up.  When he does, he doesn't know what the hell he's doing.  I love the's a lovely navy leather and it supports my back beautifully.

Kim is up in arms and wants me to just demand a refund which I did by e-mail last night.  Lovey (the nice lady) called me this morning and has "promised" her jerk of a cousin's husband will be here between 2 and 4 P.M. to install the swivel base.  If he can't, she will have the technician from Stoney Creek furniture come on Monday to install it.  I asked her if it wasn't done by Monday can I get my full refund and she said yes.  I hope Kim isn't mad at me for giving them another chance but it's very hard for me to get tough with someone as nice as Lovey.

Maybe I won't talk to Kim until after Monday because I know she's not going to be happy with me.  Kim, if you're reading my blog, don't call!

Update:  My swivel base is on!!

Thursday, December 15, 2016

As Bad As I Remember

I've always hated frigid weather and haven't had to deal with it in years but the last few frigid days have brought all the horrible memories to life again.  I hate it.  But I'm still glad to be home, surprisingly.

I went to Cindy's last night for dominoes and the cold just getting in and out of the car and the house was horrible so I decided I'm not going up there to play dominoes until maybe April.  I went out for groceries today and the cold was horrible.  I decided I'll only go out for groceries when there is no wind.  There's no way I can last without groceries until April so my concession to the cold will have to be just no wind.

I've always believed that human beings were never meant to live in north country where the temperatures fall below 70F.  We were never meant to have to bundle up in parkas, boots, scarves, and mitts just to venture outside.  This isn't a normal way to live.

Anyway, the bears and I are going to hibernate this winter as much as we can.

Sunday, December 11, 2016

My Swiveless Swivel Chair

I ordered my navy leather swivel glider (yes, glider) on August 13, 2016 from the Leather Sofa Gallery on Lewis Rd, Stoney Creek.  What arrived 9 weeks later was a beautiful navy leather rocker.  I called them in a panic because I'd paid cash for the darn thing and worried it would take forever to get it straightened out.  It has.

The lady I dealt with was very polite and kind but her partner, her cousin's husband, not so nice.  I accepted the rocker part instead of the glider but was adamant I needed the swivel base as soon as possible.  The swivel base arrived last Monday (Dec. 5) with the wrong bars to attach it.  The cousin's husband honestly didn't seem to know what the heck he was doing and I'm leery about letting him complete the job.  He promised to return with the right bars by LAST Wednesday.  He didn't.

I have been promised he'll show up today between 4 and 6 P.M..  If you're planning on buying new furniture, you might want to bypass this store even if the lady who owns it is very nice.

Saturday, December 10, 2016


I don't watch a lot of T.V. but mostly listen to it, looking up occasionally when I think something interesting has come on.  But with the Documentary channel, I tend to watch from beginning to end because they have a lot of fascinating programs.

Today I watched "Regrets", first wondering how interesting it would be and then discovering it truly appealed to my love of psychology.  I saw people with familiar regrets to my own and some with debilitating regrets.  It was interesting to hear how others handled the regrets they've had in their lives and, sadly, how some never could overcome them.

I, of course, have a few minor regrets but none that haunt me.  I think I might have written in a blog how I can't really regret any of the things that happened in my life because every single moment brought me to where I am today...with a family that is more than precious to me and to a comfortable but mediocre lifestyle.  I can't have regrets because I understand that any variation in those moments would have meant my daughters wouldn't exist, therefore my grandchildren and greatgrandchildren wouldn't least not the ones I have now.  I could never wish them away so, therefore, I can't regret the roads taken.

I choose to look back on my "mistakes" as things that maybe were meant to happen.  I was a pretty dumb teenager when I quit school at 16 thinking I was educated enough.  How laughable now!  But I have continued to educate myself over the years so I never remained stagnant.  Lots of my "mistakes" were caused by ignorance and fear.  I turned down one of the best job offers I could have hoped for because I was afraid I couldn't live up to expectations.  I think now that I would have been darned good at it!

But, if I had taken that job, my life would be completely different now so maybe it was never meant to be.  Each and every moment one lives, they are making choices that will lead to the kind of life they live in the end.  Deep, deep down in my subconscious was a need for security and it had nothing to do with money.  I needed a family and that's what I got.

Regrets, well none that make me want to go back and change things and none that keep me awake at night.  I'm philosophical about life and truly believe I'm where I was supposed to land. 

Thursday, December 08, 2016

Better Bloodwork Results

I had my bloodwork done again today, mainly to see if my white blood count was continuing to rise.  I accessed the results on the internet and was thrilled to see that everything they tested was much improved.  The white blood cell count which had risen dramatically to 26.9 had dropped to 18.2 and the lymphocytes which also had risen dramatically to 20.4 is now 12.0.  Both are still a little higher than normal but it just amazes me how the body will attempt to repair itself.  I'm more positive than ever that the abnormal increases came from the steroid treatments I had on my arm.  None of this takes away the fact that I still have the pancreatic cyst but that cyst might not have been discovered if my bloodwork hadn't gone wonky.  It could be a case of things happening for a reason.  I would not have wanted to be down in Florida suffering from some kind of painful pancreatic attack.

I somehow came across a bit of information on bitter melon and how it apparently can "cure" diabetes and shrink pancreatic cysts.  Of course, none of this is proven but it is interesting.  There would be a danger for anyone taking metformin to also use it because the combination could cause a serious drop in blood sugar so I'll talk to my doctor before trying it.  

Anyway, I now have healthier blood than I did 2 weeks ago.  Amazing!

Wednesday, December 07, 2016

Interesting Incident at the Fifties Diner

Faye and I had lunch at the Fifties Diner (a local restaurant that is really homey and has good food) yesterday and, while we ate our meal, a huge uproar of what sounded like a bunch of men talking way too loudly broke out.  They were sitting behind a sort of partition that partly separated their area from ours so I couldn't see them.

They were almost yelling as they talked and some pretty foul words were tossed out, too.  Now that I'm an old gal, I don't stay idly by when I think someone needs to speak out so I bided my time and gave them a chance to settle down.  They did...probably when their food arrived.  That saved me from having to go over there and ask them to watch their language because there were children in the restaurant.

As Faye and I were leaving, I had to take a look and see who the foul mouthed culprits were and I was shocked to the core.  It was a huge crowd (maybe 30) of elderly men!  I'd expected teens or young men!  I was very surprised that those old coots had forgotten their dignity and behaved like adolescents using the "F" bomb so liberally but then I remembered Dennis.  He rarely cursed but, when he was among a group of men, his language was terrible, too.  Is it a kind of male puffery for groups of men to often sprinkle their language with curse words?  Is it the equivolent of a strutting peacock announcing it's masculinity?

For whatever reason, it was both disturbing and funny considering they were aging peacocks who should have been better disciplined. 

Back With The Spec

I had to cancel my local newspaper last summer because I couldn't handle the constant reports of killings any more.  I stopped watching the news on T.V., too.  Sometimes this violent world becomes too much for me to digest and I've learned to just back off for a while and put my concentrations on the good things in life.  I guess I healed and toughened up because I'm back to receiving my local paper and I'm also watching the news once in a while.

It's heartening to see how the good human beings are responsible for most of what happens in the world.  I do believe that goodness abounds and that evil is only apparent in very few people.  We (me) maybe respond too strongly to the evil events because they go against everything we human beings should stand for.  It's almost impossible to comprehend some of the pure evil we become aware of and to notice that most evil doers look just like the rest of us.  It's scary to think they walk among us but have minds that don't work as ours do.  

Anyway, I'm back to reading the morning newspaper and not reeling from the murderous reports.  I just scan over them and go on to more interesting editorials.  I snarl at the idiocies of our politicians but nothing they do surprises me.  It does the heart good to see how our multicultural society in Canada is continuing to diversify.  I'm a little leery of Sharia law being implemented but I strongly believe young Canadian muslims won't settle for such archaic rulings.  I have faith that, once experiencing freedom of choice, no-one will want to participate in such a restrictive order.

We human beings are far from perfect but we have the capacity to be wondrous if we choose!   

Monday, December 05, 2016

Winter At Home

We haven't had any snow so far except a bit on the roof of cars first thing in the morning but I'm actually enjoying being at home.  For the most part, the sun shines a lot and it doesn't seem to bother me too much when the days are cloudy.  I used to hate that!

I guess there has always been the thought in the back of my mind that the day would come when I'd have to stay home in the winter so I'm pretty well prepared emotionally.  Of course I miss my Florida friends but the bonus is that I get to spend more time with my family here in Canada now.  There is always something to be thankful for, isn't there?

Faye has decided not to take her rental at 3W because I'm not going.  I sort of wish she'd go any way because she has nice friends there who would be so happy to see her.  I think she might be staying home in case I need her.  I love my family.

Anyway, I'm still waiting to hear when the MRI will be and still feeling pretty good.  I've got a bit of a tummy ache but nothing worse.  I got 2 new tires yesterday to replace the original ones which were about 5 years old.  I didn't want to even think of driving in the snow with tires that old.  The other 2 were replaced about 2 years ago so they're fine.  This won't be a normal winter where I can stay home if the weather is bad because I'm sure to have a few doctor's appointments.  Other than those, I'm quite happy to snuggle down in my sweet little apartment on snowy days.

I'm also still waiting to have the swivel apparatus installed on my new chair.  Apparently it's at the store and it was promised to be installed last week.  I'm getting pretty fed up with should have been installed at the factory!

Well, the sun is shining and I've procrastinated long enough.  Time to get some work done...not much, though.

Friday, December 02, 2016


I'm pretty easy going until something outrageous sets me off and this morning I read 2 posts on Facebook that did just that.  One was the "outing" of a well known couple who have a home renovation show on T.V. and it totally pissed me off.  The "outing" was an attempt to destroy these people and their income by informing everyone that they had the nerve to believe that homosexuality was a sin.  Well, crap!  I remember when a gay person's life and career were ruined when some ass "outed" them to the public.  Didn't we learn from that how unfair it is to hold judgement on someone just because their legal lifestyle didn't coincide with our own??  And now the tables have turned.  Now the bleeding heart liberals demand you accept their beliefs or face public shunning!

In both cases, it is a form of bullying and not done by a decent human being.  I hope people like this are forced onto the stage of public opinion themselves and shamed for the ignorant bullies they are!

I had barely calmed my little self down when I read another post of a young girl who committed suicide because she had been mercilessly bullied by her schoolmates because of her weight.  First, bullies are desperately insecure people who feel so low about themselves that they have to attack someone weaker in order to validate their own existence.  They only succeed in bullying if everyone stands mutely by and allows it to happen.  I applaud the teens who see bullying and step forward to confront the bully.  Their opposition is more powerful than they can know.

And, sadly, second, the people who bullied this young girl to her death will have to live with the results of their actions for the rest of their lives.  It will impact their lives in ways that could destroy them and they had stupidly thought they could hound this girl and not suffer any consequences from it.  

All of this could have been avoided if the good people had spoken up.  Bullying is unacceptable human behaviour.