Friday, March 31, 2017

Political Chatter

The Americans who squawked the most got their Trump elected but it doesn't stop there.  Now they are adamant about protecting him no matter what they hear about him.  Did the Russians help get him elected?  Has he brought in way too many family members and put them in positions of power?  Has he lied repeatedly and been proven a liar?  It doesn't seem to will admit they made a mistake in supporting him.  I don't get it.  What does this man have to do to make his supporters jump off the wagon?

Something I've learned from all of this is that the United States does have safeguards to keep a tyrant like Trump from doing too much harm to the country.  It's been interesting to see how many of his own party have stood up to him and said "NO!".  He calls them traitors but we should be very thankful that there are some politicians with the guts to know when to say no.

I've always thought that all politicians will follow the party line no matter what it is but the Republicans have enlightened me.  I think they're as afraid of Trump as many of us.  The next 4 years will be interesting but I hope not devastating.  If Trump is re-elected, I give up on mankind!

Thursday, March 30, 2017

Shower Head

I know nothing about shower heads but I decided to adjust mine for some stupid reason.  It didn't need adjusting but I was curious about what would happen if I twisted it a bit.  What happened is that the spray went so wonky that it flooded the bathroom and I can't re-adjust the damn thing.  Now I need a new shower head.

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

He's the Patriarch??

Just as I, the eldest female in the family, am the matriarch, Nicholas is the patriarch.  He's not quite 33 but I think he'll carry the title well.

Nick isn't really the eldest male in the family...his father is but his father is totally disinterested in the family so I think it only fair to hand the title to Nick.  It's a sad state of affairs when we have to accept that the man who should be the patriarch has stepped away from the family and who even has no interest in his own grandchildren.  How sad for him because he's lost more than he knows.  How sad for the little boys because every loving family member is needed to raise a child.

Faye, Donna, and I had our Swedish weaving afternoon yesterday and part of the conversation was about mother love and how incredibly strong it is in most women.  We would rip apart anyone who threatened our children!  Males are protective, too, but females usually are driven by their genes to protect their children.  It's a matter of survival.

Very few women walk away from their children but way too many men do it without a backward look.  The fact of growing that little critter in your tummy for 9 months makes a big difference in your attachment to them.  The father was only physically involved for moments.  LOL!  I know a lot of excellent fathers who defy that rule, though, and who are loving fathers from beginning to the end.

Anyway, Nick is the patriarch of our family and the honor couldn't have gone to anyone better!

Monday, March 27, 2017

I'm The Matriarch

Last night, with family, it was pointed out that I'm the matriarch of the family.  This was something I'd never thought of before and it's sort of a mixed blessing.  You have to be the oldest female in the family to carry this distinction.

I hadn't realized that I'd become the matriarch when it first happened after my mother died in 1982 and, as Nick so tactfully said, I won't be aware of it when it's over.  I've been the matriarch for 35 years (unless Ferne counts)!

I've read books and seen movies where the matriarch of the family is treated like a demi-god.  That simply isn't my style.  Of course, those particular matriarchs are usually very rich and control the family fortune.  Not my style, either.  We have no family fortune.

I kind of like being a matriarch, though.  To me it means I've lived a long life and have progeny, very good progeny, to leave behind when I'm gone.  

Sunday, March 26, 2017

Child Predators

I just read an article about how to protect your child from predators and was terribly dismayed all over again by how most children are molested by friends or family members.  The second most dangerous place is their church.  Their school is also not necessarily safe from predators.

I was a "mean" mother who almost always refused to allow my daughters to go for sleep overs at their friends' homes.  Maybe I was right.  Maybe I was paranoid.  I just know that it terrified me to have them out my sight and control.

To me, it seems to make the most sense that you have to keep your children safe above all else.  Pay great attention to anyone who will be alone with your child and be positive before allowing them to be alone with them.  Trust your instincts!

We "normal" people have a difficult time understanding how anyone would want to sexually molest a child because we are wired differently.  We are wired to protect and nurture children while predators are selfish bastards with no conscience.  I learned as a child to be wary of everyone and not trust too soon.  I've been told that my way of thinking isn't healthy but that's just the way it is and I've been proven right too many times for it to be coincidence.

Predators usually put themselves in positions of trust and access to children.  How many coaches, teachers, clergy have we heard betrayed that trust?  Sadly, predators come from all classes, religions, and occupations so we have to be aware and keep an open eye to what doesn't seem quite right.

I mentioned in an earlier blog how one of my grandchildren became a favorite of their teacher in about grade 2.  The teacher began giving him little presents and that got our attention.  Then he asked permission to take my grandson on an overnight to some event out of town.  My daughter, alert to the danger, refused to allow it and notified the principal of the school who was also horrified.  The teacher was ordered to not be alone with my grandson and he (the teacher) left the school at the end of the year to almost certainly continue teaching at another school where no-one would know what he was.  That worries me to this day.  I understand that no actual harm was done to my grandson but he was definitely being groomed.

Be aware, pay attention, and save your children from having some sick S.O.B. destroy their precious little lives.


Pulling An Allnighter

I wish I knew how I can sometimes be awake all night against my will but still need an afternoon nap after having a good night's sleep.  Makes no sense!

I have literally been awake all night tossing and turning until I finally gave up around 4 A.M. and came out to play on the computer.  I'm assuming I'll need a nap later on this morning but that really screws up my day.  

I turned off the T.V. at 11:30 last night feeling tired enough to sleep but it just never happened.  I have the odd night like this but, if I'm really unlucky, it could be 3-4.  When that happens I'm completely miserable and tired all day so I hope this last one will be the only one for a while.

Tonight I'll have a glass of wine before bedtime and see if that helps.  If it doesn't, I can still enjoy the wine.

Saturday, March 25, 2017


I thought I'd suffered in childbirth and when I stubbed my toe but that was nothing compared to being without coffee the last 2 days.  I know I should have just hiked on down to a Tim Hortons but I was really busy with other things, like housework and naps.

My drug (coffee) of choice is Costco's Kirkland Breakfast Blend and I had thought of asking Kim to take me there because she has a membership but I hate to bother her.  So a messaged Don who works there and asked him to pick me up a box.  I didn't tell him how desperate I was so, when he suggested bringing it to me today, I just politely said okay.  And I suffered.

This morning I had a cup of tea because Don didn't get here until later in the morning.  It was really nice and I wondered why I didn't have tea instead of coffee on other mornings.  I know why!  I'm an addict and I'm addicted to coffee.

So far the government hasn't cracked down on us coffee addicts and it's probably because they're addicted also.  If coffee ever becomes illegal here in Canada, I'm moving to Brazil.

Friday, March 24, 2017

Run By Idiots

I'm becoming terribly disillusioned again with what I read on the internet.  I read today how one politician believes that rape and incest are "acts of god".  I also read that the school superintendant of one of the schools where a young girl was raped by an illegal claims that the parent backlash is racially motivated.  Could it also be that the 18 year old male had been placed in a classroom with 13 year old girls??  Could it be that the citizens are aghast that so many illegals are given free schooling, medical care, driver's licences, etc.?  There are huge dangers here in the daily life of citizens that are not being fairly represented.

Then I read that some people in government are saying that, by refusing to accept Sharia law, we are racist.  Bullcrap!  I'm sick of hearing myself and people who think as I do called racists or bigots because we, the vast majority, refuse to back down to the unreasonable demands of the vast minority.

On a happier note...I live in a 1960's apartment building that is exceptionally well managed.  This morning the superintendant came in for a scheduled check of the smoke alarm and, while he was here, I showed him the chipped bathroom vanity and asked if it could be replaced.  He said yes.  I offered to pay for new taps but he said he'd cover that also.  Excellent management on a small level.  Too bad this man isn't running the country!  

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Sylvia Called Today

Sylvia is such a dear friend and I consider myself blessed to have run into her at 3W.  Her home is in Nova Scotia and mine is in Ontario, more than 1000 miles apart, so it's unlikely we ever would have met otherwise.  We had to travel 1200 miles to Florida to meet and become the best of friends!

When we speak on the phone it's like she's right beside me and that no time has passed.  We're different in many ways but connect strongly on what matters most.  

It's strange how many people you meet in your life, most you'll probably like but only the scant few will somehow become a really close friend...almost a sister friend...and that's how I think of Sylvia.  I know I recognized very quickly that she was a special person and someone that I valued.  It would be interesting to find out just what it is in a person that makes you connect as a best friend.

A close friend doesn't have to be a perfect human being.  They can have many faults that you can accept.  For me, the dealbreakers are someone who is dishonest or mean.  There might be more but those are the most important ones.  

Anyway, my dear friend Sylvia called me today and that made me very happy.  I'm hoping her husband, Mickey, will let her come here for a visit in the fall no matter how much he'll miss her.

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Dinner With Kim

I had dinner with Kim last night and it was so nice to see my eldest child again after being away for a month.  She was pretty excited about finding an envelope with some very interesting papers that the previous owners of her house had left behind.  There is no value in them but I think she should pass them on to John who might also find them interesting.

Cindy and her kids are all down visiting with Shelley and John for the week so I won't see her until she gets back.  I count my blessings to have 3 daughters to love and who love me, too.

When my children were young, we spent a lot of time with in-laws and their children so that generation grew up as friends.  I love my nieces and nephews almost like my own children, too.  We continue to reap the benefits of being a close knit family and that's a darned good thing!

I had planned to start my spring cleaning today but slept poorly last night and then got up at 4 A.M.  I have a feeling I won't be too enthused about doing any heavy duty cleaning today.  I only do this kind of cleaning...pulling out furniture to clean underneath...once a year and it's still early spring so I have plenty of time to get it done.

I'm kind of a sporadic cleaner.  Yesterday I did laundry and then looked under the bathroom sink for some shampoo.  I'd already cleaned it pretty thoroughly in the fall but I knew there were things there that I probably didn't really need or that could be stored elsewhere.  Before I knew it, I had hauled everything out, cleaned the cabinet, tossed quite a few things, re-organized what was left and now I have a lovely clean and neat bathroom cabinet.  I guess my spring cleaning has already started!  

Someone is coming to roto rooter the drain in the kitchen sink today so I've also cleaned out under it.  I have no drainage problem but this must be something the building superintendent looks after every so often.  Another good reason for me to be out of my house and into this apartment!

Well, I'm thinking I should at least be dressed before the roto rooter person arrives so I'd better get off the computer.   

Tuesday, March 21, 2017


After visiting the Holocaust Museum, I pondered on my own memories of how I felt about Jews and other immigrants after WW2.  I was born in 1940 so I was old enough to remember when they began to settle in Canada.  Of course, every nationality and religion was already represented here but the influx was much larger after the war.

At the museum I saw written, "displaced persons" or "DP's", and hadn't heard or thought of those words in many years.  But I clearly remember now how we native Canadians sort of looked down on the "DP's" because they were different from us.  Their accents, clothing, and way of life were just a little different from our own and, because of that, we felt unjustifiably superior maybe but not hateful.  It probably took only a generation for those immigrants to fully assimilate and become true Canadians in our eyes.

I remember the "sheenies" (have no idea where that word came from but that's what we called them) who traveled in horse drawn carts, dressed in black, and calling out for donations of rags.  These were immigrants who did what they could to make a living and it was a strange occupation to us.  I think now that the descendants of those "sheenies" are probably successful businessmen and women who learned the value of hard work from their parents.

I don't remember any separation of nationalities in the classrooms.  Everyone, regardless of which country they or their families originated, played and learned together.  I remember being very interested in some of the different customs I came in contact with.  The newcomers did assimilate but they also held onto and celebrated the customs of their homelands.  

Canada is a vast, multicultural country.  We are all immigrants or descendants of immigrants so we should welcome those who choose to come here and live in peace with us.  I believe strongly in assimilation within the country and would hope that the immigrants would accept our way of life and not insist on changes to accommodate their ways.  That is what causes dissension and prejudice.

The immigrants from my childhood came prepared to work for their living from the day they arrived.  Some had skills we needed but others, such as the "sheenies", made their living any way they could.  They worked hard to make a better life for themselves and their families.  They became Canadians.

And this is what will happen to our new immigrants.  It may take a generation for it to come to fruition but each generation will put down deeper roots, just as our own ancestors did and we have done.  

I believe that prejudice arises out of fear of that which is different.  I also believe that we are all more alike than not.  Yes, maybe there always will be prejudice of one kind or another in our society but it doesn't have to be something that causes strife.  A mutual respect will create a mutual peace.  



Monday, March 20, 2017

Metformin or Janumet?

My daughter, the nurse practitioner, tells me that Janumet is a safe drug to take in place of Metformin for diabetes.  I'm a little concerned about it for many reasons but especially because it says to stop using if you'll have a dye injected for a treatment such as an MRI.  It doesn't say for how long or why.  That worries me and I'll contact my doctor for that information.

I hate taking drugs because every single one has some sort of side effect.  We were never created to have to take drugs!  We were created to be perfect human beings and something terible must have gone wrong because we're not.

Anyway, the side effects I'm having with the Metformin are enough to spur me on to try another drug so I just hope it doesn't kill me!

We're Home

There is no place like home.  It doesn't matter how wonderful a time you had away from home, it still is the most comforting feeling in the world to be back in your own place.

Sweet Dwayne flew down to Florida on Friday, soaked up about 4 hours of sunshine, went out for a St Patrick's Day beer and dinner, talked a while with Shelley while Faye and I went to bed just aft 9 P.M., slept poorly, and then got up at 6 A.M. to drive us back home.  Bless that dear man!

It was an uneventful drive home...2 days ending in a lovely lunch in Windsor with Janice and then Dwayne being sweet enough to leave his love a little early so that he could get me home before dark.  He is a treasure!

Home, sweet home!

Friday, March 17, 2017

Holocaust Museum

I have felt a driving need to visit the Holocaust Museum in Tampa ever since I found out there was one.  As far as I know, I'm not Jewish but there has always been an inner affinity with the Jewish faith so maybe something will show up in my DNA.

I've seen many of the horrific photos of internment camps over the years and felt disgust for my fellow man who could have committed those crimes.  Disgust and fear because I recognize that those capabilities exist in all of us unless we keep them firmly under control.

What bothered me a lot was that we had to go through security before entering the museum and I thought what a horrible world we're creating even today when it'so unsafe everywhere.  There was also a sign-in book which asked for our home city only and not our names.  When I asked why this was, I was told that some people don't want their names shown in the book.  Why???

We entered the exhibit on the second floor first and saw photographs and read stories of the stricken jews and the brave people of all religions who risked their lives to save the jews from the nazis.  I was left with a strange feeling of shame and admiration...shame for the nazis and citizens who will surely end up in hell and admiration for the brave souls who did what was right despite their own personal danger.

And then I learned something entirely new that I had never heard mentioned in all my life.  The jehova witnesses were the only group whose followers completely refused to submit to the nazis and paid the price in death, imrisonment, beatings, loss of homes and businesses.  They alone followed the teachings of their religion!  I wonder why this information hasn't been widespread...but then I remembered how the catholic church, especially, condoned the nazi regime.  The catholic church carries that shame to this day.

On the first floor were more photos, films, and one of the actual boxcars that carried the jews to the death camps.  Shelley had told me about this and I wanted desperately to lay my hands on it and to receive whatever feelings I could.  I circled it a few times, a little afraid of receiving too strong or too violent a feeling.  When I finally placed my hand on the door to the boxcar, I was surprisingly flooded with a feeling of peace and that had to be because every soul that had entered there was now at peace.  This was certainly not what I expected because I knew from photos and stories how ghastly those moments were as the people were loaded like cattle with some realizing they were to be killed.  Maybe I picked up on the moment of acceptance.  I'm just so glad their suffering is long over.

There is a vivid correlation between the rise of Hitler and the unexpected rise of Donald Trump.  I see and fear the similarities very clearly and worry deeply about what damage Trump will inflict on his country and his unsuspecting followers.  I see and fear the anger and hatred in citizens who have otherwise been good law abiding people.  I see and fear renewed distrust and hatred for the jews and others.  The catalyst is Trump.

There have been people who just want to forget about the holocaust and all it represents.  It's one of the worst scars on the history of man.  We can't ever forget it because we need to be constantly reminded that it did happen and it could happen again and it is happening today in many countries around the world.

I can only hope and pray that the citizens of the most powerful country in the world have not unleashed another Hitler.

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Vacation Time Ending

As much as I've enjoyed this month with Shelley and hers, there is really no place like home and we'll be there in 4 days...probably complaining about the cold!  Dwayne is flying down on Friday and we're leaving Saturday morning for home.  We'll beer and dine him on Friday night at a local Irish pub for his sacrifice!

I asked Faye yesterday if we'd spent the month eating, shopping and having naps.  It wasn't totally like that because we also did some very nice gardening, too, but Shelley and John are a working couple and being here in this lovely house is not nearly like being at 3W where activity reigns.  

Cindy and her kids arrive on Sunday so our beds will barely have cooled off by the time they're taken over by that group.  Shelley's house has become almost a bed and breakfast for the family and we're very lucky that John doesn't seem to mind...he's family all the way!  I'm sorry I won't get to see the new arrivals but it's time to go and that's that.

I have a few important things coming up at home such as the MRI which will determine whether I can go back to Florida next winter.  I'm feeling perfectly fine with no symptoms whatsoever but who knows what the outcome will be?  My main concern is being okay to go to Nicole's wedding in November.

I think my first mission back home will be to purchase a few orchids and African violets to brighten up my apartment.  Putting flowers out on the balcony will still be at least 2 months away and I'm not waiting that long to hang out with real live flowers!

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Winnie's in Jail

I knew we might have a problem when Winnie refused to go out in the rain last night for her final pee and poop.  Tank soldiered on and did his business with no fuss and no regard for getting wet but Winnie is a prima donna.  We tried pushing her out but she wouldn't budge.  Faye carried her out and dumped her but she was back in the house before Faye was.  There was nothing to do but put her in her cage and go to bed.

Winnie is a little trouble maker who gets into things when she's free to roam the house at night so she has to go in her little kennel even when left alone through the day.  I'm always amazed at how compliant she is about being locked up.

The last few nights she's managed to escape her kennel and we can't figure out how she does it.  We make sure it's closed up tightly but we're not sure we're doing it right.  Apparently we're not.  Last night, worried about the repercussions of a puppy that hasn't had a final pee and poop, we put her in her cage and shut the door as firmly as we could.  Faye positioned the kennel so that the door was against a cabinet, too.

I was up first this morning and came down to Winnie running around and Tank hunkered as deeply into his bed as possible.  Normally he'd greet me all happy and looking for breakfast but not this morning.  He was worried that the crime scene I was about to witness would be blamed on him.  I saw about a dozen little tiny piles of poop and a couple of yellow stains on the floors.  Hmmm!  They weren't Tank's!

Winnie's cage was pushed away from the cabinet and the door was open just enough to let that little devil out!  I called her to me and she came and threw herself over on her back...she knew darned well she'd done wrong!  

I put her back in her kennel with her breakfast.  She deserves jail time!

The moral of this story is...dogs are smarter than old ladies.

Just a note:  Shelley told us about a time when Winnie had chewed something up and then left the evidence on poor Tank's bed.  He was so terrified he'd be blamed that he was squeezing himself as far away from it as he could.  Do you think Winnie is smart enough to plant evidence?

Monday, March 13, 2017

It's Too Quiet

Here I sit at the computer and the quiet of the house is a little disconcerting.  The puppies are asleep and Shelley, John and Jake are away on vacation until tomorrow.  Faye has gone to have her car realigned and a new rear window wiper put on so it's just me and the sleeping puppies here.

This is our last week in Florida...Dwayne arrives on Friday and we head home Saturday morning so the time is moving quickly.  I've enjoyed the month spent with the Alvarez family and hope we haven't been a burden to them.  It's a long time to put up with company in your home.

Shelley purchased 23 and me (DNA) for us and it should arrive today.  Once we complete the kit and mail it back to the company, we'll get the results via e-mail in about 2 weeks.  I can't wait to see what my ancestry is...this is the only way I might find out about my father's ancestors.  I think it's an amazing thing that we can now learn about where our great-great-great-great grandparents walked the earth.  Simply amazing!

It's overcast today and we might get some rain but that's preferable to the major snowstorm that is hitting southern Ontario.  I can still sit outside without a coat or sweater and feel the Florida warmth while being protected from the rain. 

Life is good!

Sunday, March 12, 2017

Fat Cat, St. Petersburgh

Faye and I finally got over to the "Fat Cat" for an afternoon of down home music with Eddie Coffey and a nice lunch.  I've always said I should have been born in the maritimes instead of Ontario.  I love the music, the people, and the countryside.

We chatted with strangers who happened to come from Toronto.  Some people who had met Faye and Marilee last year remembered her and stopped to chat.  Faye got hit on by some old guy who said he'd considered going on safari but changed his mind and came to Florida instead.  Interesting afternoon!

The Fat Cat is a clean and safe bar in a strip mall and so much fun to spend an afternoon.  There's great music and dancing, too.  I wish so much that we had bars like this at home where a single lady could go and enjoy herself without feeling uncomfortable.  This one was mostly filled with seniors and many knew each other.  

I'm looking forward to going there more often next year if I can.

Saturday, March 11, 2017

Joann's Luncheon

.  Some of the ladies brought other di
Joann held a lovely luncheon for us at her place yesterday.  It was so nice seeing a bunch of the ladies but kind of bittersweet because there's a good chance I won't see Joann again.  She and Jim have sold their trailer and won't be back to 3W but there is a chance I might be.

Joann made her famous "Walkin' Tacos" plus salads and a decadent strawberry cake.  Some of the ladies brought other dishes so we ate well!  We had our gabfest from noon until 2:30 when Faye and I had to leave.  I've always loved the variety of topics we ladies have when we get together and yesterday was no exception.  These are wise and fun at heart old gals!

Shelley, John, and Jake are off on a short vacation until Tuesday so Faye and I are dogsitting.  Let's hope we remember to feed the dogs!

Wednesday, March 08, 2017


I used Flo-naze (not sure of spelling) last night and it helped clear my nasal passages amazingly.  I also went back to the Claritin and I'm coughing less...maybe this really is only allergies!

John's back is improving daily and he's now scooting around the house as usual but taking care not to stress his back.

Shelley is being interviewed for a lovely new job today so we're keeping our fingers crossed.

Faye has gone off for the day with Flo and Bob Hamilton and my plans were to lounge around the patio and read but I just may go out for lunch first.

Life is good!

Tuesday, March 07, 2017

Ready For The Weddings...almost

With 2 weddings coming in July and one in plan was to find something suitable to wear while I was in Florida.  My hope is that it would be at least a little different than what I'd find in Canada.

Last week I found dressy evening pants that fit and felt very comfortable.  I hadn't wanted black but they're black so I decided they'd be easy to match up with a nice colorful top.  I also found a top but feel it's a little darker than I wanted.

Yesterday we went to the sale at JCPennys and I found a drop dead gorgeous white embroidered top that will need a tank top under it but I just love it.  I thought the tank top should be white but both Shelley and Faye said it should be black.  I have both at home already.  This was never the look I wanted but I'm thrilled to death with it!  I also found my black dress shoes and I have a black sequined evening bag at home so I'm set.

John's back is steadily improving but he's still walking around with crutches.  He, Shelley, and Jake are supposed to go on a short holiday on the weekend so I hope he'll be okay for that.  Faye and I will be going over to 3W on Friday where Joann is having a luncheon for us.  Our time here is passing quickly and the only thing that marred it was me getting this awful cold.  Shelley still thinks it's allergies, though.  If I still have it when I get home I'll see the doctor.

Today is going to be a stay at home, read a book day in that lovely back yard.  Life is good!

Monday, March 06, 2017

A Comedy Team

All we did was take a trip to the grocery store and, as usual, it turned into a comedy routine.  We seem to have lost all sense of decorum and, worse, even Faye has lost her sense of direction which left me as an unwilling, unable to help, passenger.  We got there okay but coming back was another story.  Faye won't take the easy route because of the heavy traffic so off she went on unknown streets in a direction only she had some sense of and me tactfully not saying she should have stayed on the main drag.

Of course we got lost, not badly but enough to have us both laughing like idiots and thankful we didn't have to pee.  There's some kind of circle close to Shelley's house that Faye thought she was on (she wasn't and I was blissfully unaware) so we circled the damn thing 3 times before she edged back out on what I believe was the same street we came in on.  We found another circle and toured it until, by magic, there was Shelley's street.  

Oh yes, every time we arrive at Shelley's house we need to go in through the garage because the other doors might be locked.  Every time we arrive at Shelley's house we climb out of the car, grab our purchases, and lock the car door.  The garage door opener sits safely locked inside the car.  Every time!  

I swear a film crew should follow us around and we'd be the hit of youtube making someone a lot of money.

Sunday, March 05, 2017

John's Back is Out

John is constantly on the move.  His job takes him away for days at a time but he's always doing projects at home, too.  Yesterday he threw his back out and could barely make it into the house.  Now he's pretty well bed ridden until the muscle relaxers take hold...we're hoping it's only a muscle strain.  He's been moving concrete blocks and bricks around for a wall he's planning but he has well paid gardeners who should be doing this kind of job.  I know John loves puttering in the garden but maybe it's time to give his poor back a rest.

Shelley is away in Atlanta with Nicole, Lisette, Barb, and Katie searching for the perfect wedding dress.  I haven't heard if they found it and they won't let me see any pictures of it if they do.  Shelley is home tonight and I'll feel better having her assess what treatment John needs.

It's very quiet this morning.  Jake slept in the family room last night so he'd hear his father if he needed him and they're still asleep.  I haven't seen Faye so she might be out walking.  

I bought cough medicine yesterday because I'm coughing so much and it's affecting my sleep and draining my energy.  I took it last night and still coughed all night long.  

Now for some good news.  Shelley might have a terrific new job offer.  She's been asked to meet with the COO (means chief operating officer) when he comes to town next week.  It sounds like a wonderful opportunity for her!